Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Triacastela to Sarria - 23K

I took the long way to Sarria in order to visit the Monasterio de Samos.
I really argued with my leg about going, as there was a shorter route I could take and bypass the monastery. Fortunately my Sister-in-law - a Nurse - reminded me that icing was essential to help my leg heal. So today at each restaurant /rest stop I asked for ice and, eventually just put it under my tights, which held it in place, and I walked with it.
Made a huge difference.

My leg was so much better today, I contemplated going 30 k, but decided instead to stop early at a place where there was an Internet cafe, and where I could catch up on my blog. Unfortunately, shortly after I started, the cafe lost all their connections, so that was that.

I hope to get a few longer days in to make up some of the time I have lost, but I keep reminding myself, I'm not on a deadline.
The area I'm walking in now is a called Galicia - a rainy, but beautiful part of Spain. Wonderful countryside dotted with farms and paths lined with Chestnut trees. The Albergue I'm in tonight has a warm dorm and blankets, but they ran out of hot water after 2 showers, so no shower again today.

By the way, did I tell you I was attacked by bedbugs last week?
Fortunately, the itching has pretty well stopped.

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