Friday, November 7, 2008

Villafranca del Bierzo to O Cebreiro - 27K

[Updated Nov 10, 2008]
Another long day.
Up hill mostly, to the top of a mountain, where rests the rainy, foggy hamlet of O Cebreiro.
Apparently, the view from this point down into the valley is fantastic, but as the fog seldom clears, who knows?
Despite the cold and rain, the dorm was well heated and I had the first really warm sleep in quite awhile.
Considering the weather, I want to know about all those commercials that talk about "Sunny Spain."
That must be another Spain.
Remind me to visit it next time.


Cheryl said...

Lynne - you're amazing, amazing, amazing. Liked your newspapers in the clothes story...reminded me of when I was a kid. Hey you know those No-snore could make a killing selling them at the
places you sleep. Hope your ankle get better and we're all thinking of you. Cheryl

Kiwi Nomad said...

It is probably not fair to tell you this....but I was at O'Cebreiro on 27 June and the view from the top was just magnificent! (Mind you at Cruz de Ferro a few days earlier all I saw was fog fog and fog until late in the day.)