Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Melide to Arca (O Pedrouzo) - 34K

A gorgeous day, weather wonderful, and I'm back on the Camino trail, which wound through beautiful stone walled groves, forests and farmland.
The weather is definitely more pleasant here.
Although there are fall colours, I have spotted numerous palm trees and a lemon tree today (this is the Spain I meant to visit all along.)

The big news is this: tomorrow I arrive in Santiago!
I feel quite emotional about it for some reason, but filled with excitement and anticipation.
There is a pilgrim mass every day at noon in the cathedral, and it is customary for pilgrims to attend on the day they arrive (tired and dirty).

It's about 20 k, so I need to start early to be there on time.

Looking forward to telling you all about that.

Thanks for the latest postings from cousins Jim and Dawna, Vive, Cheryl, Kiwi and Andrea.
Yes, see you at Christmas Andrea!


Steve said...

Way to go!
All my best wishes!

(It is amazing the lengths to which some people will go to avoid raking leaves in the fall. Just saying.)

lucia said...

You are there, CONGRATULATIONS!!! What a Woman and what and adventure!!

Darlene said...

Congratulations - you muct be there by now!! How amazing that you have walked day after day, with sore feet, sore leg, blisters - the war wounds!
Enjoy Santiago,- hope ;they do the botifumero for you - keep us updated until you return home.