Who knew that continuous walking on sore feet was the cure, as opposed to resting them?
I hardly have any wrappings on them now, but always am sure to coat them well in Vaseline.
The day started out very cool again, but sunny and, again, I was able to shed several layers of clothing as the day wore on.
Passed a beautiful, but crumbling monastery today and, as always, several incredibly old and wonderful churches.

Each village, regardless of how small, has a fantastic old church at its centre.
I think the expression, "The Spanish turned their silver into stone" refers to these Christian structures.

The Meseta is very dry, but manages to look beautiful - framed by brilliant blue skies and snow capped Pyrenees off in the distance.
I walked today, on and off, with a few people I met at the Albergue last night: a few young guys - German, Japanese and American - and a lady from Switzerland who has already walked 1400 kil on the German and French Caminos, as part of her 3 month trek.
She and I decided to share a room tonight in a private Albergue for a little more comfort, rather than the municipal one. Slightly more money, but still very reasonable. The municipal ones run from 3 to 6 euro a night and the private ones around 10 euro. No bathtub or our own shower, but a nice room with twin beds in a gorgeous setting.

By the way, I'm still thinking of the bathtub in the hotel in Burgos. Gloriously deep, and sloped at the back, so your head and shoulders rest perfectly. I fell asleep each time I took a bath. Plus, the best part is the tap is on the side, as opposed to the end, so you don't even have to lean forward to add hot water. (Note to Steve: how would you feel about ripping out our tub and replacing it with ones of these?)
I noticed my pants are a little looser today, so I have discovered yet a new diet whereby you can eat and drink all you want, as long as you walk 800K. Do you think the 800k diet could be the new North American craze?
Great to see some new posts on my blog.
Gene, I'm sure you know that one of the reasons I came to Spain was because of your descriptions after your trip. Thanks for your words of encouragement.
Well James, you could have knocked me over with a feather! I thought you never did this sort of thing? I'm so glad you did - and so good to hear from you!
Vive, I'm glad to hear you bought walking poles. What trek are we going on?
Susan, I always love your comments. Thanks for sticking with me.
Jackie & Rob, thanks so much for your note on my blog. Glad to hear you are on Vac. I can almost remember what a cocktail tastes like. I'm not complaining though - great Spanish wine and lots of it, every night.
Cheryl; yes I could have used your calm and reasoned approach re: the money thing -and, in fact, I tried to think how people like yourself would handle the situation - but truthfully, I was too far gone to care.
I only check my most current blog post for comments, so if you do sign on, please comment under the most current posting. I would hate to miss any of you.
I hope to do 28 K tomorrow. It's still quite flat, so no reason why I can't.
Well, my clothes actually dried on the line today, as the sun was so warm, so no pinning them to my backpack tomorrow.
You know you're off to a good day when you don't have to do that.
A new bathtub?
As they say in Spain, "No Problemo!"
(Results may vary, depending on your location.)
Hey Lynne sounds to me like this would be perfect if you took a sherpa along.The money problemos were a blessing I figure, for the rest days and the baths. I'll bet your clothes will be hanging off you by the time you get home. All those people you have met who have done or planning to do another billion Kms... well add 25 pounds to all of them. A new addiction...Trekking (sp). You are taking heaps of pictures yes?
Write a book....ditto. Last night I googled camino de santiago videos. One was titled 30 days to santiago and follows your route in photos. What a trip!!! A video video showed their bandaged feet, dorms with the 50 beds and the fabulous church interiors you have written about...and all the travellers were smiling...go figure. You will be joining a very special group of accomplished Pilgrims. VV
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