Tuesday, November 4, 2008

El Acebo to Ponferrada - 17K

Another short day.
I'm behind re: the schedule I had set out for myself, but sometimes there is no choice.

Quite a few of the Albergues close at the end of October and, because my book is not up to date with the most current info, I rely on the other Pilgrims - some of whom have very current lists.

As best we could tell, the next Albergue would have been a 41 K walk - a little too far in one day, given my ankle is still sore. I would need to walk about 37 K tomorrow to get myself somewhat back on my schedule, but I think I'll go for something a little less than that.

I need to head off to the bank now and hope that Visa will free up some money, but I'm not optimistic. It hasn't worked in the stores where I have tried to use it over the past few days.
If there is anything more frustrating than dealing with Visa while you are out of country, I want to know what that is.

Patti; Thanks for your note. So good to hear from you. Could we have a siblings dinner out before Christmas do you think? I would really look forward to that.
Dee; Your words of encouragement always appreciated.


susan said...

Well Lynne you are having all the trials and tribulations of a true pilgram. Really though how many of us brave(or even imagine facing) what you have physically and I'm sure emotionaly and perhaps spiritualy in the past few weeks. Way to go girl

Kiwi Nomad said...

Hi there Lynne..... I am a complete stranger who has just found your blog...but seeing as how you are not so far from Galicia now..... I have missed most of your account!
It sounds dreadfully cold. I walked the Spanish part of the Camino in June, and it was often quite cold until I had nearly reached Leon. But not nearly as cold as it sounds for you!

vivie said...

You are absolutely amazing..after the book, movie rights. The movie would be totally entertaining at so many levels. Will send you some WARM Florida sunshine. Left Sat with my parents and has taken this long to get everything cleaned and set up. Today will be my first day walking along the beach for 10 miles. Certainly doesn't have your views and experiences. We are, in spirit, at the finish line cheering you in!!

Dawna said...

Jim and Dawna,
Just heard of your trek via Heather.So enjoyed your blog. Just a bit like A.O. I might add!